Page 8 - Volume 16 Number 12
P. 8

I was intrigued by the various aviation gadgets my employer manufactured, and curiosity about what they were used for inspired my desire to fly. I earned my pilot’s wings at a grass landing strip, nestled amongst miles of farms, in the rural area just south of more- cosmopolitan Miami. It’s a kind of aviation oasis that is not distinguished by the now-typical high fences and security card gates, but by self-service fuel, picnicbenches, and friendly folks eager to share their flying adventures and misadventures.Flying For Family and BusinessI met my future wife under a bright spring Miami moon in 1990. Out as a big group, as friends of friends, we starting talking and soon enough I was beguiled by her strong, fearless character. I invited her out for a6 • TWIN & TURBINEDECEMBER 2012

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